Who We Are

"In His hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind. -Job 12:10

We are a group of Christian volunteers with a mission is to
"Rescue the Horse, Mentor the Child, and Heal the Hearts of Both."

We bring horses in need together with families in need. We love God, and we love those in and around the Farm. Every square foot of the Farm is dedicated to those two things, loving God and loving others, period.

The Farm does not charge for any of its services. We are funded entirely by donations, and powered solely by the love of God. 

How We Got Here.  After witnessing how ordinary horses could reach into the lives of children and their families in extraordinary ways, James and Aly Pflugfelder co-founded Grace Falls Farm in August of 2011. Since then the Farm and its incredible volunteers have served children and horses in Arizona, Colorado, and Oregon.  Grace Falls Farm now calls the foothills of the Rincon Mountains in Tucson, Arizona, home.

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